The wall will cause line of sight to anyone on the opposite side of it, preventing them from casting on the boss or players. Twisted Earth can only be destroyed using Rushing Darkness, or the tank hit in either phase. Neltharion will periodically cast Twisted Earth, which will summon a set of stone walls if it’s the beginning of a phase, or repair any damaged portions of the wall if they have already been summoned. Phase 1 Twisted Earth pattern, and recommended Echoing Fissure locations At the beginning of the phase, Neltharion will cast Twisted Earth, which will summon a set of walls in the pattern shown below. Phase 1 follows a simple sequence of abilities, and will end when the boss reaches 70%. Each phase has a unique pattern of walls, but there are a few boss abilities which can be used to destroy parts of it. Neltharion will summon walls throughout the encounter, which will limit the usable space in the room.

This is a three phase encounter with each phase having unique abilities, requiring specific strategies.
Use a full cleave build if your raid gets overwhelmed by adds in Phase 3.Two target builds excel at Phase 2, which is a difficult part of the encounter.Kill Voices From Beyond as soon as possible, while cleaving the boss.Pre HoT players targeted by Corruption to ensure they survive while they are hostile.Make sure to use Damage Reduction and throughput cooldowns on later casts Umbral Annihilation will ramp in damage throughout Phase 2.Once Neltharion finishes the cast, the body will be knocked to the soul, which can be used to destroy walls. Sunder Shadow will rip the targets soul, allowing them to walk through walls.Always taunt swap after each Calamitous Strike.In Phase 3, always point Calamitous Strike at the edge of the room to avoid destroying any walls.After each Calamitous Strike, the boss will cast Echoing Fissure, so make sure to keep the boss in the current section for it before moving to the next one.

Use Rushing Darkness to break a few walls, then targeted players can move through to safety.Handle Volcanic Heart the same as Phase 1.Each subsequent hit is increased by 100%, putting a soft enrage on the phase.Neltharion will periodically cast Umbral Annihilation, which deals damage to the whole raid.Killing each Voice From Beyond will trigger the start of Phase 3.These adds will allow Neltharion to shield himself with Shadow Barrier at 35% health, reducing his damage taken by 99%.Each of the three outer sections will have one add within them.Phase 2 Twisted Earth pattern, and Voice From Beyond add locations. This new pattern will resemble a triangle, with one Voice From Beyond add in each section. A more in-depth description of the encounter can be found in the "Full Guide” section.Īt 70%, Neltharion will destroy all existing walls, and reform them in a new pattern. Here you'll find a quick breakdown of the strategy and the most important mechanics as a quick reference guide. The entire encounter revolves around navigating the encounter area by breaking down walls build by Neltharion using different ability interactions. This is a three phased encounter, with each phase having a different cadence and set of abilities from the previous one. As you can expect for the penultimate boss of the raid, it is fairly complex. Neltharion is the eight is the first boss encounter in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. A final version of the guide will be updated once the raid opens on live servers. This strategy guide was written based on beta testing done by BDG. You can find a complete list of loot tables in our Aberrus Loot Guide and Tier Sets Overview.

There are also three very rare class-specific trinkets from Echo of Neltharion, dropping seven ilvls higher than the rest of the loot: Neltharion's Call to Chaos, Neltharion's Call to Suffering, Neltharion's Call to Dominance. Echo of Neltharion's regular loot has the following item levels: 411 (LFR), 424 (Normal), 437 (Heroic), 450 (Mythic).
Learn how to handle difficult mechanics with positioning diagrams, educational gifs, and written advice.Įcho of Neltharion notably drops the Tier Set Shoulder tokens, interesting weapon Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood, and Leatherworking recipe Pattern: Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch. This guide provides tips and strategies for defeating the Echo of Neltharion boss encounter on Normal and Heroic Difficulty in the Aberrus raid.