Trump calling the media "the enemy of the people. Trump called Wolf a "filthy 'comedian'" on Twitter and said the dinner was "DEAD as we know it." In an August press briefing, Sanders cited Wolf's routine as one of the reasons she wouldn't disavow Mr. Watch the 2018 White House Correspondents Association annual dinner hosted by comedian and Daily Show alum Michelle Wolf. Bernstein/Reuters The next month, Netflix introduced Wolf’s weekly topical comedy series, The Break only to cancel the show. Her jokes mostly drew cheers and applause from the crowd, but the response from the media and politicians was more sharply divided afterward. At the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2018. "You helped create this monster, and now you're profiting off of him," Wolf said. She also called out the White House reporters at the dinner, saying they were "obsessed" with Mr.

Trump, his children and top members of his administration, including White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, who sat frowning as Wolf mocked her as a liar. Michelle Wolf started off her hosting gig by fast-forwarding through the kinds of jokes that usually pepper a White House Correspondents’ Dinner set, even skipping over the customary C-SPAN nod. Wolf's routine featured fierce jokes about Mr. But President Trump has skipped the first two dinners of his administration, and the custom of comedians came into question after Wolf's appearance in April. The Correspondents' Dinner traditionally features a comedian who roasts the president and jokes about current events, and the president himself typically performs his own routine. Michelle Wolf's Uncensored White House Correspondents' Dinner Speech (Full) NBC News NBC News 7.51M subscribers Subscribe 3.6K 549K views Streamed 4 years ago Watch the 2018 White. SiriusXM correspondent Olivier Knox, president of the WHCA, said he looks forward "to hearing Ron place this unusual moment in the context of American history."